The Genome Project: OOC's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
The Genome Project: OOC

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[28 Dec 2012|09:58am]
Hey people, !!

So. I am almost back in full swing? I am able to tag people for the next couple days when I'm not at work (and sometimes when I am at work...) and then I should pretty much be back to normal speed after New Years! I am going around grabbing tags that I owe, and now I can't remember who I owe things to...

I already got Elliot/JJ and Megan/Scout. If I owe anyone else please let me know here, otherwise hit me up for threads or texts or whatever!

Heads up, Toby is like... Ugh in full mourning... And not in a good place. Dale, Jack and Sarah should all really hit that up. Also Mao? And Ariel? EVERYONE!

Otherwise I'm up for anything. I may come up with X-mas gifts from my kids, but if I do, it'll take me a while... >_> If you'd specifically like to know what my kids got yours, hit me up, and I'll let you know! :)

PS Dawn, Sumi and Elliot's gifts to Boo, Aaron and Pres (respectively) are SPOT ON! LOVE LOVE LOVE.

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[28 Dec 2012|10:29pm]
Just a quick note to everyone that I'm aging Scout down a bit. Instead of 25, he'll be just turning 23. So he is now a bit of a bb, but he likes to act like a hotshot, so that's still the same. It just makes more sense to me to have him be a bit younger - it will help explain his alienation from Ian, as well as his general immaturity.

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