The Genome Project: OOC's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
The Genome Project: OOC

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[20 Dec 2012|01:03am]
Well look what the cat dragged in >_>

Yes, it's a wild Stephanie! I return to you from the land of nursing school! It's a magical land where all we do is talk to each other and change diapers and have skills drilled into us like it's going out of style! Aka, I'm back for 6 weeks and then I disappear again x_x That's cool, right?

Anywho, I'd love to catch up with all of y'all. I never see anyone on aim any more :(!! But if I'm on, feel free to ping me! All of the new people? Hi! I'm Stephanie! I play ...9 characters but I'm on hiatus indefinitely because of school. If you want to backstory with my babies, just let me know! I promise that I don't bite!

The only thing I have to share right now about my kids are:

1. Ariella is officially dead. Passed away on Monday, December 17th around 7pm. Feel free to react however.
2. I'm totally down for backstorying shit. Seriously, just ask. I'm home, not working, not going to school, and doing nothing for SIX WEEKS.

Anyways, ping me whenever,
Much love,
Steph :)
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[20 Dec 2012|11:07pm]
Bah. I just got my nails done, and it's hard to get used to typing on the computer. I also just drove 10 hours. FML.

I am going to try and get to as many tags as I can tonight though! Wish me luck.

ETA: lol I'm way too tired. I will get to them tomorrow. Night ya'll.
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