The Genome Project: OOC's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
The Genome Project: OOC

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[12 Dec 2012|04:02pm]
Sorry guys. I think I will have to drop Mark. He is just not working for me. It pains me, seriously, as I have been DYING to use this PB forever, but I don't think the personality was right for him or something. IDK. I might bring the PB back at a later date, with a different personality. But until then, I am freeing myself of another character.


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[12 Dec 2012|04:04pm]
It's ACTUALLY WEDNESDAY, but I forgot to do this yesterday, which means it's time for the character development questionnaire!

Feel free to answer these questions IC, though none of the information here will be used against your character in the game. =]

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[12 Dec 2012|06:10pm]
Finally updated the birthday list! So, check it out and make sure all your characters are on there, please!
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[12 Dec 2012|06:25pm]
In addition to our late character development, we'll also be doing this weeks Character Spotlight!

Dawn Miller

Players are encouraged to:
Ask questions either IC or OOC
Tell what they like
Tell what they dislike
Comment where they'd like to see her go
List their favorite quotes
Show love

Please keep things friendly. Elle can decide whether or not to respond IC or OOC. Nothing in this post may carry over into your characters IC knowledge.
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[ viewing | December 12th, 2012 ]
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