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[22 Oct 2012|08:43pm]
I think I pulled a muscle in yoga today. I have to say, there's not a whole lot that's more embarrassing than falling over in the middle of class and having everyone stare at you.


I'm sorry I've been avoiding you
I just don't know what I'm supposed to say
And this stuff has been all over the news
This is stupid
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[22 Oct 2012|08:53pm]

Liking NYC?


I think I'm losing it. I'm doing this weird sort of... monogamous thing but to be fair the sex is ridiculous with eyebrow boy. And we never even discussed it. I just let it happen without complaint.

What the hell? Bradley, your shit is rubbing off on me. I blame you.
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[22 Oct 2012|08:56pm]
I found a pretty cute place. It's close to work, so that will definitely be convenient. The rent's not bad at all. I thought about looking to buy, but I guess I'm just not really ready to commit to that just yet.

Halloween is coming up. The dance school is putting on a performance, of course. It's impossible to have a holiday without one! The little ones are absolutely adorable. They've got these precious orange outfits. And there's an amazing contemporary piece I've got a pair of high schoolers working on that I'm so excited for. You get to be a little darker with them for Halloween, you know?

Right. And I'm on a ramble now. Just trying to ignore the fact that the real holidays are approaching and I'll be

I need to get the boys' Halloween costumes, too. I wish they'd stay little forever. I hate to think of a day when I'm not taking a goofy picture of them with all their candy.
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