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[05 Sep 2012|12:38am]
You know, when you go into paleontology, you think it’s going to be all fun and games and Jurassic Park-ish and all that. But it’s NOT! It’s not fun at all. I don’t even know why I’m still doing this crap. Everyone here at the Smithsonian swears they know so much.

Okay, so maybe I’m a complete klutz and I dropped a stupid stega spike. The thing weighs like 30lbs! What am I, Planet of the Apes here? I’m so sick of it. It’s cause I’m from California, and people from around here think they’re better than everyone. I know it.

I knew this was a bad idea coming here. I rue the day I ever listened to mom. Now I’m stuck until I can find something better. This sucks!
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[05 Sep 2012|12:45am]
One two three four, I declare a hacking war.

By the way, check this out.



Onyx Out.

(ooc: and if your character does click, they get a nice little virus implanted in their computer)
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[05 Sep 2012|06:08pm]
The first thing I'm buying on Friday when I deposit my check?

It's going to be a good weekend.
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[05 Sep 2012|07:23pm]
Alfredo, darling!

Only the most adorable puppy EVER )

Can we adopt him, please? He isn't just like the most adorable thing that you've ever seen? Though we would probably need two so he won't be all lonely if we both happen to be out to get groceries or something of the sort. Isn't he just PREC though?

And a friend! )

Just think of the little outfits we could get for them and it's getting closer to Halloween so they can even match!

Think about it?
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[05 Sep 2012|11:41pm]
Okay, bitches, here's the deal. I need to lose three pounds in six days. Put those nasty, skanky heads together and figure something out IMMEDIATELY. I am so tired of being 94 pounds like you will not believe. I mean, it's like ridiculous.

Also? Whoever said that blonds had more fun was a LIAR. gtfoplzkthnxbye

In other, more important me news, I'm pretty sure I'm going to win a Pulitzer, because well, I'm me. Duh. Fabulous writer of like ever. Be on the look out for that. You're gonna love it.

And finally, I think I'm gonna run for President. Cause like I think it'll be fun!

Ciao bitches.
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