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[29 Jun 2012|07:52pm]
I'm in need of a new running buddy. Anyone who's willing to get up before it's a million degrees this summer?

Toby )

Molly )
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[29 Jun 2012|08:02pm]
I have to say, Thursday nights always end up being the most entertaining. I don't know what it is about Thursdays, but I swear the drunks are drunker. Which is also alright, because the drunker they get, the higher they tip.

But, of course, if you want to stop by and tip big tonight, feel free.
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[29 Jun 2012|08:21pm]
I caved.

Someone left them on my boss' doorstep, and I agreed to foster them.

Could you say no? )

I need to come up with some names! Ideas?
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[ viewing | June 29th, 2012 ]
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