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[24 Nov 2012|12:18am]
Who: Any and all teenagers who can find a way to have gotten invited
Where: Mitchell's parents' house, NYC
When: Friday night, baby
Rating: Mid-to-high for PARTYING TEENAGERS. The horror.

Don't be fancy, just get dancey. )

[OOC: And here are the covers Corporate Lobotomy performed. They did some original songs too. I'll list them at the end.]

[OOC: The orignial songs by Corporate Lobotomy are as follows:

→ Bowtie
→ Denial
→ Sweettart Sweetheart
→ High Hells
→ B-Cups in Vegas
→ Atlantic City
→ Do you kiss your mom with that mouth? I kiss your mom with my mouth
→ Attack of the Space Presidents
→ My Cat is a Dog
→ Fuck Lipstick ]
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