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[03 Jun 2012|01:48am]
Who: Cori and Jacob (and possibly an Alfie, Annie, or Emma appearance?)
What: Spending the weekend at Nana and Poppy's house
When: Sunday morning
Where: Jacob and Emma's house
Rating: G
Status: Complete? Incomplete? Unknown.

There was no way in hell she was getting dressed or even putting a bra on )
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[03 Jun 2012|02:03am]
Who: Molly and AC
What: Molly passes out and it starts raining
Where: Bleachers at the soccer field of the normal HS
When: After school on Friday
Status: Complete? Incomplete? Not sure.

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[03 Jun 2012|11:48am]
Who Ben and Katie
What Pillow Talk
Where Their apartment
When Forward dated to Monday night, I guess?
Status Incomplete
Rating TBD

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