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[14 Feb 2012|07:52pm]
Given to Sasha at school today )
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[14 Feb 2012|08:42pm]
Who: Kaylee Ramsey and Johnny Jones
What: Text Message
When: Shortly before midnight, February 14th

You have (1) Unread Message )
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[14 Feb 2012|09:19pm]
Who: Kaylee Ramsey and Others
What: Someone doesn't want to be late
Where: Ramsey house//Hospital
When: Tuesday and Wednesday
Rating: PG-13, partly for Kaylee's sense of humor.

Where is the person who is supposed to be boiling water? )
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[14 Feb 2012|10:26pm]
Who: Julius Hudson and Grace Bailey
What: Gifts
When: Valentine's Day and her birthday which was on time even though I'm not sure if it's the 9th or the 19th

Birthday then Valentine Gifts )
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[ viewing | February 14th, 2012 ]
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