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[08 Feb 2012|09:49pm]
Who: Penny and Open (to one of the suits possibly?)
When: Wednesday afternoon
Where: Coffee shop line
What: Doing what an intern does
Rating: Low

You would think they'd move you up from that position by now. )
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[08 Feb 2012|11:23pm]
Who: Alfie and Josie
What: HULKAlfie-SMASH!
When: Wednesday afternoon
Where: The park
Rating: Medium

Alfie was mad. )
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[08 Feb 2012|11:29pm]
Who: Jen and Open
What: Taking the afternoon off
Where: Cafe
When: Wednesday afternoon
Rating: Low

If a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? )
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[ viewing | February 8th, 2012 ]
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