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[17 Jan 2012|10:54pm]
Who: Gabby & NPC
What: Gabby talks to NPC Morgan about Seth
When: Saturday January 21st, before they start work
Where: Mystique, in the back room getting ready
Rating: Medium?

Inside my heart is breaking, my make up may be flaking, but my smile still stays on. The show must go on. )
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[17 Jan 2012|11:33pm]
Who: Samuel to George, Charles, Nathan, Patrick, Dean, Scott, and Jacob
What: Mass text
When: Tuesday night

1 Unread Message )

Who: Samuel to Ethan
What: text
When: Tuesday night

1 Unread Message )

Who: Samuel to Danielle
What: text
When: Tuesday night

2 Unread Message )
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[ viewing | January 17th, 2012 ]
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