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[15 Jan 2012|11:52am]
Who: Sebastian and Kate Sullivan
What: Text Message
When: Sunday, 1 AM

You have (2) Unread Messages )
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[15 Jan 2012|12:21pm]
Who: Penny and Kate Sullivan
What: A text
When: After this

You have (1) new message )
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[15 Jan 2012|08:48pm]
Who: George and Ariella
What: An unexpected patient
When: FORWARD DATED Monday morning
Where: George's Office

At this point in time, porn was exactly the answer that George needed. )
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[15 Jan 2012|11:32pm]
Who: Janey and Bobby
What: texting her bff
When: this week sometime

Inbox (1) )
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[ viewing | January 15th, 2012 ]
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