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[08 Jan 2012|09:45pm]
Who: Carter & Grace
What: a text
When: January 8th, afternoon
Rating: Low

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[08 Jan 2012|10:05pm]
Who: Carter Manning
What: Carter finds out the truth!!
When: January 9th, after school
Where: Madison's apartment
Rating: Low

Reality scares me to death (You made me leave). I'm afraid to close my eyes (Why don't you love me?) )
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[08 Jan 2012|10:43pm]
Who: Carter & Grace; Carter & Ethan; Carter & Madi Gloria
What: a text
When: after this
Rating: Low

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You Have (1) Unread Message )
You Have (1) Unread Message )
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[ viewing | January 8th, 2012 ]
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