The Genome Project's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
The Genome Project

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[12 Dec 2011|01:12am]
Who: Jen Anonymous and Toni
What: Package
When: December 12th

Package for Antonio Spinelli )
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[12 Dec 2011|09:31am]
Who: Penny and Toni
What: Texting
When: December 12nd

You have (2) new messages )
18 comments|post comment

[12 Dec 2011|10:43am]
Who: Mary Ann and Toni
What: text.
When: Today.

Inbox (1) )
8 comments|post comment

[12 Dec 2011|12:53pm]
Who: Mary Ann and Will.
What: text.
When: 12/12.

Inbox (1) )
7 comments|post comment

[12 Dec 2011|11:59pm]
Who: Jacen and Toni
What: Texting
When: Earlier in the day December 12th

You have (1) new message )
10 comments|post comment

[ viewing | December 12th, 2011 ]
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