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[11 Dec 2011|12:33pm]
Who: Olivia Bailey and Maribel Santa Cruz
What: Texting!
When: Monday, Lunch

You have (2) Unread Messages )
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[11 Dec 2011|12:52pm]
Who: Patrick Hopkins
What: A minor crisis of faith
Where: St. Jude's Catholic Church
When: December 10th, Evening
Rating: Medium due to mentions of Alan

Give me a sign. A hint. Anything! )
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[11 Dec 2011|04:08pm]
Who: Tino and Mia
What: Texting
When: Saturday morning
Rating: PG-13?

Inbox (2) )
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[11 Dec 2011|09:42pm]
Who: Sasha and Nico
Where: Silver Shores
What: A walk and a talk
When: Evening
Rating: Low

Her mother was going to kill her. That much was certain. )
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