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[03 Dec 2011|12:00am]
Who: Alan Dale
What: Losing it
When: Saturday December 3rd, around 3 AM
Where: Dale residence, Alan's room
Rating: High
Warning: This scene contains graphic, disturbing content. DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE NOT COMFORTABLE WITH BLOOD AND GRAPHIC VIOLENCE PLEASE!

The Edge of Suffering )
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[03 Dec 2011|12:03am]
Who: Antonio Spinelli to Josie and Jacen Allen and Alan Dale
What: Birthday Gifts
When: Delivered early in the day

Josie )

Jacen )

Alan )

Who: Antonio Spinelli and Alan Dale
What: Midnight text message
When: As we sneak into December 3rd.

You have (1) Unread Message )
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[03 Dec 2011|12:29am]
Who: Josie & Alan
What: Josie gives Alan his surprise
When: December 2nd, early evening
Where: Dale residence
Rating: TBD

Don't you wanna stay here a little while? Don't you wanna hold each other tight?Don't you wanna fall asleep with me tonight? Don't you wanna stay here a little while? We can make forever feel this way. Don't you wanna stay? )
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[03 Dec 2011|12:16pm]
Who: Josie & Toni
What: Toni tells Josie about Alan
When: December 3rd, afternoon
Where: Allen residence
Rating: Medium
Status: Complete

I remember it clearly. The day you slipped away was the day I found it won't be the same )
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[03 Dec 2011|01:00pm]
Who: Toni Spinelli and Mary Ann Dale
What: Breaking news
Where: Dale house
When: Early police time
Rating: Let's start at PG-13

Morning seemed longer when you were actually doing something with it )
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[03 Dec 2011|02:00pm]
Who: Penny and Bast
What: Urgent text
When: Some time after this

You have (1) urgent message )


Who: Penny and Annie
What: Urgent texts
When: Some time after this

You have (7) urgent messages )


Who: Penny and Johnny
What: Urgent text
When: Some time after this

You have (1) urgent message )


Who: Penny and Emma
What: Urgent text
When: Some time after this

You have (1) urgent message )


Who: Penny and Toni
What: Text
When: Some time after this

You have (1) new message )


Who: Penny and Tino
What: Text
When: Some time after this

You have (1) new message )
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[03 Dec 2011|02:21pm]
Who: Elliot and Mary Ann
What: Family comfort
When: Today, after receiving this text.
Where: Dale House
Rating: PG-13

He did know that he didn't like the tone of Mary Ann's text message. )
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[03 Dec 2011|02:23pm]
[ music | Placebo - Running Up That Hill ]

Who: Mary Ann and her NPC parents (for all of five seconds).
What: Finding Alan.
When: December 3, between 8 and 9am.
Where: The Dale Residence.
Rating: Low despite a lot of crying and some screaming on Mary Ann's part, there's also a couple passing references to blood.

What she saw though made her blood turn to ice. )

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[03 Dec 2011|02:41pm]
Who: Mary Ann to Elliot and Liam.
What: Urgent texts.
When: After this.

You have (1) unread message )
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[03 Dec 2011|04:19pm]
Who: Jenna and Chris.
What: Awkward texting.
When: December 3, afternoon.

You have (1) unread message )
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[03 Dec 2011|04:52pm]
Who: Tino and Toni
What: text
When: after Penny texts him

Inbox (1) )
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[03 Dec 2011|09:54pm]
Who: Kate and Bast
What; Motherly text message
When: This afternoon
Rating: PG

Inbox (1) )
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[03 Dec 2011|10:16pm]
Who: Brooke and Patrick
What: Texting
When: Saturday

(1) unread message )
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[03 Dec 2011|11:23pm]
Who: Janey and Toni
What: Texting
When: Saturday

(1) unread message )
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[03 Dec 2011|11:51pm]
Who: Tino and Mia
What: text
When: sometime today, probably after picking Toni up

Inbox (1) )
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