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[18 Nov 2011|01:29pm]
To: Annie
From: Penny

When: November 18
What: A birthday present
Where: Handed to her in school

You're Beautiful! )
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[18 Nov 2011|01:42pm]
Who: Jacen and Annie
What: Birthday presents!
Where: Moses Pearson High School
When: Throughout the day

They say it's your birthday... )
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[18 Nov 2011|07:30pm]
Who: Emma and Annie
What: text
When: today

Inbox (1) )
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[18 Nov 2011|07:35pm]
Who: Evan and Natalie
What: text
When: backdated to her birthday a few days ago

Inbox (1) )
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[18 Nov 2011|10:52pm]
Who: Annie and Alfie
What: Text
When: During the day today

You have (1) new message )
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[ viewing | November 18th, 2011 ]
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