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[15 Aug 2011|12:08am]
Who: Emma and Jacob
What: a text
When: tonight, from the grocery store

Inbox(1) )
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[15 Aug 2011|02:35am]
Who: Penny and Emma
What: An email
When: Sent a few hours after this was posted

Inbox (1) )
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[15 Aug 2011|03:12pm]
Who: Jenna and Adam.
What: Bumping into each other.
Where: In town.
When: Aug. 15, afternoon/early evening.
Rating: Probably pretty tame.

Time after time )
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[15 Aug 2011|09:40pm]
Who: Danielle Bailey and Jacen Allen
What: Text Message
When: Monday Afternoon

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[ viewing | August 15th, 2011 ]
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