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The Genome Project

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[09 Aug 2011|04:52pm]
Who: Quinn and Tom
What: Text
When: Tuesday PM
Rating: Let's keep it friendly (G)

You Have (1) Unread Message )
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[09 Aug 2011|05:39pm]
Who: Thomas and Madison
What: A Child's Future
When: Tuesday 9 August
Rating: Pg-13
Status: Complete

Madison )
10 comments|post comment

[09 Aug 2011|11:05pm]
Who: Jacen and Josie
What: Text
When: Tuesday evening

You have (2) new messages )


Who: Jacen and Annie
What: Text
When: Tuesday evening

You have (1) new message )
28 comments|post comment

[ viewing | August 9th, 2011 ]
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