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[18 May 2011|08:39am]
WHO: Grace and Julius
WHAT: Texting
WHEN: Saturday, May 21st (forward dated)

Inbox (3) )
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[18 May 2011|02:11pm]
Who: Tino and James
What: text
When: today

Inbox (1) )
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[18 May 2011|03:43pm]
Who: Annie Tibbits to Emma Tibbits
When: Wednesday Morning
Where: the high school

Honestly Mom, I did forget my book and going to school early to talk to Penny about math homework... So can I borrow your keys? )
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[18 May 2011|10:50pm]
Who: Julius Hudson and Grace Bailey
What: Meeting for purely acting reasons of course
Where: Park near the Bailey and Hudson homes
When: Saturday, May 21st
Rating: C for Carter-can-have-Julius'-dessert-for-a-week, or probably PG

He was not cut out for being a girl. )
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[ viewing | May 18th, 2011 ]
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