The Genome Project's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
The Genome Project

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[06 May 2011|09:45pm]
Who: Natalie, Evan, Brendan
What: Oh, you know, gettin' their tan on
When: Saturday
Where: The pool
Rating: PG-13?

It was too perfect to stay in. )
5 comments|post comment

[06 May 2011|09:55pm]
Who: Emma and Liz
What: text
When: today

Inbox (1) )
18 comments|post comment

[06 May 2011|11:03pm]
Who: Mia and Tino
What: preparation for Operation!Jealousy
When: today!
Where: their respective houses for now
Rated: TBD

Ring Ring )
31 comments|post comment

[06 May 2011|11:39pm]
Who: Bobby and Nathan (H)
What: text
When: tonight

Inbox(1) )
8 comments|post comment

[ viewing | May 6th, 2011 ]
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