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[01 May 2011|01:04am]
Who: Carter Manning and Madison Moriarty
What: Birthday Present, wrapped by Madison herself
When: May 1st

The Force is strong with this one... )

Who: Mostly Anonymously Delivered to Carter Manning
What: Birthday Gifts
When: April 30th... Even UPS doesn't deliver on Sundays.

Please sign here )
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[01 May 2011|04:10am]
Who: Alfie and Carter
What: Text
When: On his birthday

You have (1) new message )
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[01 May 2011|11:53am]
WHO: Nathan and Johnny
WHAT: Text
WHEN: Sunday, May 1st

You have (1) unread message )
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[01 May 2011|01:42pm]
WHO: Grace, Carter, and Julius
WHAT: Birthday movie party!
WHERE: Hudson/Manning residence
WHEN: Sunday, May 1st / sometime after this and this
RATING: R for Really awkward cuteness (probably PG though)
STATUS: In progress

You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling. )
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