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[13 Apr 2011|12:18am]
Who: Mia and Sam
What: Texting
When: Tonight after seeing Emily's post
Rating: PG-13?

Inbox (1) )
17 comments|post comment

[13 Apr 2011|12:27am]
Who: Katie and Ben
What: text
When: tonight

You have (1) totally last minute text message )
7 comments|post comment

[13 Apr 2011|11:44am]
Who: Jacen and Annie
What: A voicemail
When: Backdated to yesterday
Where: Called from Danielle Bailey's phone

You have (1) new voicemail )
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[13 Apr 2011|12:19pm]
Who: Jen and Natalie
When: Wednesday morning
What: A text

You have (1) new message )
4 comments|post comment

[13 Apr 2011|02:12pm]
Who: Penny and Bast
What: A text
When: Wednesday

You have (1) new message )


Who: Penny and Johnny
What: A text
When: Wednesday

You have (1) new message )

6 comments|post comment

[13 Apr 2011|02:43pm]
Who: Alfie and Laney
What: A text
When: Wednesday

You have (1) new message )
3 comments|post comment

[ viewing | April 13th, 2011 ]
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