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[26 Mar 2011|12:29pm]
Who: Calvin. Open if anyone wants :)
When: Friday noon.
What: All the king's horses and all the king's men...

In which Calvin is clumsy. )
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[26 Mar 2011|01:58pm]
Who: Bobby and Noah
What: text
When: today

Inbox (1) )
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[26 Mar 2011|04:47pm]
Who: Emma and Patrick
What: looking over video surveillance
When: backdated to Thursday afternoon, after school?
Where: the police department

So, what have you got for me, Deputy? )
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[26 Mar 2011|05:35pm]
Who: Penny and Bast
When: Saturday, 5:30 PM
What: A text

You have (1) new message )
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[26 Mar 2011|05:37pm]
Who: Bast and Penny
What: Text Message
When: Saturday, 5:31 PM
Rating: PG

You have (1) Unread Message )
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[ viewing | March 26th, 2011 ]
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