The Genome Project's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
The Genome Project

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[01 Mar 2011|01:16pm]
Who: Penny and Bast
What: A text
When: During lunch from school

You have (1) new message )
14 comments|post comment

[01 Mar 2011|04:24pm]
Who: Johnny and Penny
What: A text
When: Tuesday afternoon

(1) unread message )
8 comments|post comment

[01 Mar 2011|10:43pm]
Who: Evan and Bethany
What: text
When: tonight

Inbox (1) )

Who: Evan and Natalie
What: text
When: tonight

Inbox (1) )
21 comments|post comment

[ viewing | March 1st, 2011 ]
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