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[24 Feb 2011|02:40pm]
Who: Alfie and Carter
What: A text
When: After Grace's post

You have (1) new message )

Who: Alfie and Annie, Emma, Jacob
What: A text
When: After Grace's post

You have (1) new message )
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[24 Feb 2011|02:41pm]
Who: Sebastian Sullivan
What: Bast wakes up and finds that not everything is the way he remembers
Where: His apartment
When: Thursday Morning
Rating: PG-13ish

Cue the Home Alone Scream moment )

Who: Bast and Penny
What: Text Message
When: After the above
Rating: PG, oddly probably for Penny

You have (1) Unread Message )
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[24 Feb 2011|06:23pm]

Who: Regina and Ty
What: Small banter
When: Thursday evening
Where: The Chamber Residence

One for the money, two for the show... )

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Started Log and Threading from here [24 Feb 2011|09:51pm]
Who: Bast, Penny, and Johnny
What: Insanity breaks out.
Where: High School News Room
When: Before the first bell for classes
Rating: PG at least for possible language

You got me stressing, incessantly pressing the issue 'cause every moment gone you know I miss you )
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[ viewing | February 24th, 2011 ]
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