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[24 Jan 2011|03:30am]
WHO: Axel and OPEN
WHAT: Possibly having the worst day ever
WHEN: Monday January 24th, near the end of the school day
WHERE: Moses Pearson High
STATUS: Incomplete
.The day started out great but went down hill. )
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[24 Jan 2011|02:22pm]
WHO: Nathan and Jude
WHAT: Text
WHEN: Monday, January 24th; 2:07 PM

You have (1) unread message )

WHO: Nathan and Savannah
WHAT: Text
WHEN: Monday, January 24th; 2:41 PM

You have (1) unread message )
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[24 Jan 2011|05:28pm]
Who: Laney and Jen
What: text
When: after Alfie and her decided to go to the dance together

Inbox (1) )
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[24 Jan 2011|06:41pm]
WHO: Tamao and Francis
WHAT: Tamao plays with fire (literally) and gets burned (also literally) at school. He's sent to the nurse's office.
WHEN: Wednesday, January 26th
WHERE: Moses Pearson High
RATING: Low, probably
STATUS: Incomplete

Tamao didn't care much for Chemistry, but what he did like was fire. )
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[24 Jan 2011|07:11pm]
Who: Bobby and Savannah
What: Texting
When: January 24, after this

You have (1) new message! )
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[24 Jan 2011|07:37pm]
WHO: Leti and Izzy
WHAT: Leti's too lazy to cook dinner for herself, so she's getting her darling sister to do it!
WHERE: Izzy's house
WHEN: Monday, January 24th, Evening
RATING: A for awesome (of the sisterly variety)
STATUS: Incomplete

Tengo mucho hambre... )
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[24 Jan 2011|09:06pm]
WHO: Ed and Mal...and also fantasy dream!Mal
WHAT: Ed's dreaming and Mal shows up
WHERE: His subconscious
WHEN: Monday, January 24th, Night
RATING: PG-13 for Baywatch similarities?
STATUS: Incomplete

He really wished he could make himself fall asleep )
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[24 Jan 2011|09:55pm]
Who: Annie Tibbits to... a lot of people. [If you think your character would want want one, they probably got it.]
What: The unsurprising surprise, her album.
When: Monday, throughout the day.

Send me away with the words of a love song. (Now with Album Art!) )
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