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[21 Jan 2011|03:15am]
WHO: Christine and Seth
WHAT: He's coming over for dinner
WHERE: Christine's house
WHEN: Saturday the 22nd, Evening
STATUS: Incomplete

Had she been expecting it? Yes. )
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[21 Jan 2011|03:43pm]
Who: Jacen and JJ
What: Text
When: Friday afternoon

You have (1) new message )
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[21 Jan 2011|05:30pm]
Who: Lexie and Eisen
What: Lexting!
When: Tuesday night (backdated) during this

(1) concerned message )
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[21 Jan 2011|07:47pm]
Who: Arthur and scientists, Arthur and David
What: Emails
When: January 21st, midmorning

Mass email sent to all scientists )

Email sent to David, marked urgent )
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[21 Jan 2011|09:35pm]
WHO: Sasha and Amelia
WHAT: Hot chocolate and hair bleaching?
WHERE: Amelia's house!
WHEN: Back-dated to Thursday, January 20th, After school
RATING: A for awesome
STATUS: Incomplete

The best date you could ever have )
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