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[13 Jan 2011|12:01am]
Who: Lulu and Kenzie (possible appearance from Wolf? idk)
What: Kenzie needs some comfort from her wonderful wife
When: January 12th, late evening
Where: Conroy-Bradstreet residence
Rating: TBD, probably high-ish for cursing?
Status: Incomplete

Does it show again/just how much I missed ya )
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[13 Jan 2011|02:00pm]
WHO: Sasha and Glory
WHAT: A sleepover! And a surprise power exhibition
WHERE: Sasha's house
WHEN: Saturday evening
STATUS: Complete

It had been awhile since she'd had a sleepover )
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[13 Jan 2011|02:34pm]
WHO: Mao and Wolf with Lulu later on.
WHAT: Mao's love life (or lack thereof) gets discussed.
WHERE: Conroy-Bradsheet home.
WHEN: After school Thursday.
RATING: PG-13 for language and probably naughty talk?

Lemme in, lil' piggie, or I'm blowin' the house down. )
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[13 Jan 2011|09:12pm]
Who: Evan and Bethany
What: text
When: after his journal entry with Emily

Inbox (1) )
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[13 Jan 2011|09:45pm]
Who: Savannah, Nathan
Where: The Sullivans House
When: Post-Snow War
What: Warming up, getting reacquainted
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

Baby, it's cold outside. )
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