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[11 Jan 2011|05:37am]
Who: Emily Elwood & Jacen Allen
What: Emily does what must be done
When: Friday, January 7th, after school
Where: Allen residence
Rating: Low
Status: In-Progress

Goodbye to you, goodbye to everything I thought I knew. You were the one I loved, the one thing that I tried to hold onto. )
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[11 Jan 2011|02:59pm]
Who: Luke and Lily
What: Text
When: January 11

(1) unread message )
12 comments|post comment

[11 Jan 2011|05:30pm]
Who: Emily Elwood and Sammy Watts
When: Early afternoon of the 11th
What: Texts.

You have on [1] message unread. )
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[11 Jan 2011|07:53pm]
WHO: Amelia, Ed and Gio
WHAT: Running away from home to the second place she calls home, and finds out someone is there that makes her swoon
WHERE: Gio and Ed's house
WHEN: Jan 11, Tuesday, evening

When there is war... there will be fleeing. )
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[11 Jan 2011|08:15pm]
Who: Rory and Felix
What: Email
When: January 11th, after his voicemail

You've Got Mail )
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[11 Jan 2011|08:43pm]
Who: Lulu and Lily
What: Text
When: January 11th, evening

(1) unread message )
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[11 Jan 2011|11:01pm]
Who: Lulu and Tetsuo
What: Text!
When: January 11, after this

(1) unread message )
11 comments|post comment

[11 Jan 2011|11:36pm]
Who: Lulu (AGAIN) and Wolf
What: Text (again!)
When: January 11th (again!)

You momma wants to know something )
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