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[20 Dec 2010|03:07pm]
WHO: Alex and Olivia (Ellis) Bailey, Fiona Bailey and her roommate, Glory and the Bennetts, J.J and the Allens, Alfie and the Tibbits, Laney and the Evans, Amy and Angie and the Baines [any of her friends that I forget]
WHAT: Receive an early Christmas gift from Grace Bailey
WHEN: Throughout the afternoon of Wednesday, December 22nd, 2030

Left at the doors of many.. )
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[20 Dec 2010|08:55pm]
Who: Sebastian Sullivan and Penny Zimmerman
When: Early afternoon
Rating: Low likely PG for Penny's mouth. THANKS LUKAS

You have 2 unread messages )
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[20 Dec 2010|11:21pm]
WHO: Ed and Mal
WHAT: He's dreaming, and then Mal shows up
WHERE: Ed's subconscious
WHEN: Forward-dated to Dec. 28th, Night
RATING: PG for a dream!kiss
STATUS: Complete

It was just too easy to drift off to sleep )
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