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[08 Dec 2010|09:14am]
WHO: Calvin and Gio
WHAT: Text
WHEN: Wednesday, Dec 8, during the school day

katie told me about you two. )
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[08 Dec 2010|01:44pm]
Who: Natalie and Evan
What: Text
When: Today!
Rating: PG-13?

Inbox (1) )
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[08 Dec 2010|04:35pm]
WHO: Savannah and Katie
WHAT: Text
WHEN: December 8, 1:00 PM

You have (1) new message. )
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[08 Dec 2010|10:10pm]
Who: David and Evan
What: Drinking and stuff
Where: Pearson's Pub
When: Wednesday Night
Rating: High, probably. Drinking and language...

David hadn't been kidding when he said he wanted to get fucked up )
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[08 Dec 2010|11:47pm]
Who: Arthur and Liz
What: Email
When: After this
Rating: Probably PG

David - Marked Urgent )
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