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[16 Aug 2010|04:59am]
Who: Annie & Lexie Tibbits
What: Annie wonders when her sister lost every smart she had considering who she's pining after should have gone to bed earlier, but wants to see about her older sister.
When: Early Monday morning after this.
Where: Lexie's Bedroom, Tibbits house
Rating: PG, possibly PG-13.

It had also been a bit enlightening if it was true and not some sort of ruse so the rest of the Tibbits family wouldn't want to beat up David... Like that would really happen. )
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[16 Aug 2010|02:14pm]
Who: Alex Bailey and Fiona Bailey.
Where: Fi's apartment.
When: Friday afternoon.
Summary: In which Alex does a lot of work and warns Fi about Seth, and Fi just hangs out.
Rating: TBA.

Visiting Fiona's apartment was like falling through a wormhole. )
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[16 Aug 2010|07:07pm]
Who: Mao and James
What: Text
When: During the DRAMAZ
Rating: PG-13

Inbox (1) )
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[16 Aug 2010|07:13pm]
Who: James and Mao
What: Dealing with the drama
Where: James' house
When: After their text
Rating: At least PG-13 for these two.

Oooh, you're my best friend )
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[16 Aug 2010|08:18pm]
Who: Carter Manning & Not Silent Hill Cast and Crew
Where: The park
When: 8am
Rating: PG-13/R (language and violence, Luke and Mao will be there)
Status: In-Progress

All we wanna do is eat your brains! )
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