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[31 Jul 2010|02:53am]
Dropped off at Penny's House in the morning )
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[31 Jul 2010|10:43am]
Text to Luke )
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[31 Jul 2010|01:49pm]
To: Annie.
From: Penny.
What: Text.
When: After this.

You have (1) new message )
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[31 Jul 2010|02:13pm]
Who: James Baker and Penny Zimmerman.
What: Happy Birthday, Penny! .... or not?
Where: Bakery.
When: July 31st.
Rating: PG-13 for drug-induced hilarity?

It was probably a sad thing that Penny was thinking about politics and its corruption on the day of her birth )
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[31 Jul 2010|10:04pm]
Who: Emily & Jacen
What: Text
When: Friday, July 31st, afternoon

You have (1) Unread Message )
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