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[12 Jul 2010|01:31pm]
Who: Tyler and OPEN
When: July 12, before noon
Where: Silver Shores
What: Working her shift at the beach. Will someone drown? Will the world end? WILL SOMEONE PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN?!
Rating: Nothing worse than PG-13
Status: Incomplete

She settled into her chair once again, fighting to keep her eyelids open. )
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[12 Jul 2010|06:01pm]
Who: Glory and Jake
When: July 9, evening (backdated)
Where: The Bennett's garage
What: Sibling bonding
Rating: PG
Status: Incomplete

Still not yet tragic, I can't get up and go )
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[12 Jul 2010|06:04pm]
Who: Penny Zimmerman and Sebastian Sullivan.
What: Top secret investigative journalism aka srsbiznis.
Where: The library. :O
When: July 11th, after this.
Rating: PG-13ish likely.

He actually had a job at the newspaper. She was just a teenager. )
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[12 Jul 2010|06:23pm]
Who: Jacen Allen and Annie Tibbits.
What: One of the Tibbits sisters comes to see him. Which one is it though?
Where: The Allen residence.
When: July 12th.
Rating: PG-13 for Jacen's mouth eventually maybe. XD

Jacen could have died on the spot. )
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[12 Jul 2010|06:44pm]
Who: Lexie and David
When: Wednesday night, 7/14 (posted a bit early!)
Where: David's house
What: David owes Lexie dinner
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

I don't even understand what it is in you that makes such a bad man - the only thing I know is you make me feel drunk )
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[12 Jul 2010|09:09pm]
Letter to Lukas Fox )
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