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[17 Jun 2010|12:13pm]
Who: Dietre [Solo]
Where: The Abendroth household.
When: Wednesday night.
What: Dietre makes a friend.
Rating: PG.

If he turned his head, what would he see? )
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[17 Jun 2010|03:23pm]
Who: Luke and Nat
What: Texting
When: After school this afternoon

You have (1) Unread Message )
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[17 Jun 2010|04:12pm]
Who: Lukas Fox and Natalie Blackwell
What: Talking + dinner
When: After this
Where: Nat's place
Rating: T for language
Status: Complete

Eating alone always felt really depressing to her, for some reason. )
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[ viewing | June 17th, 2010 ]
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