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[02 Jun 2010|07:58pm]
Who: Lexie (open to a response from Mao)
What: Delivery!
When: Early morning, June 2
Rating: G

Special delivery! )
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[02 Jun 2010|08:32pm]
Who: Lex and Mao
When: A few hours after this adorableness
What: Text!

1 unread message )
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(Posting a little early! :x ) [02 Jun 2010|08:51pm]
Who: Dietre and Albert.
What: D is in need of some fatherliness.
Where: The Jones' home.
When: Thursday.
Rating: Low.

He looked up at the sky. It was so big. ...And he was so small. )
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[02 Jun 2010|09:06pm]
Who: Ethan and Casey
What: IM conversation
When: Wednesday evening
Rated: PG

Session Start - Wednesday Jun 2 20:04:16 )
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[02 Jun 2010|11:58pm]
Who: Anna and Katie
When: Backdated to Thursday, 27 May
Where: the local fashion store
What: Shopping for a dress
Rating: Low
Status: Incomplete
What about this one? )
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