The Genome Project's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
The Genome Project

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[30 May 2010|04:55pm]
[ mood | calm ]

WHO: Chris and Quinn
WHAT: Another blind date
WHERE: Restaurant
WHEN: Friday, May 21st
STATUS: Complete/Closed

Although how bad could she be? )

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[30 May 2010|09:51pm]
[ mood | pissed off ]

WHO: Sam and Jamie
WHAT: It looks like breaking friendships is going around >.>
WHEN: Saturday morning
RATING: PG-15 (Swearing, lots of swearing)
STATUS: Complete/Closed

Jamie couldn't help feeling like something had just ended. )

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[30 May 2010|10:34pm]
Who: Aidan and Ethan
When: Two hours after this
What: A drunken voicemessage
Rating: Low

You Have (1) New Voicemail )
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[ viewing | May 30th, 2010 ]
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