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[27 May 2010|12:13am]
Who: Jamie and Albert Jones
What: Sometimes a boy needs a little fatherly advice
When: After this
Rating: Medium (for a few possible swears)

Too busy to talk, Dad? )
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[27 May 2010|12:36am]
[ mood | blah ]

Who: Lily Fox and Quinn Murtaugh
What: Best friend times
When: Thursday, late afternoon
Rating: PG-15 (just to be safe)

The current state of affairs? Kind of chaotic. )

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[27 May 2010|09:10am]
Who: Laura and Jess
What: Doctor's appointment!
When: Tuesday afternoon, May 25 (backdated)
Rating: PG probably

It was probably just a coincidence )
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[27 May 2010|05:23pm]
[ mood | uncomfortable ]

Who: Luke and Lizzie
What: Text
When: Tuesday 25th, during morning classes
Rating: Low

You Have (1) Unread Message )
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[27 May 2010|05:27pm]
[ mood | uncomfortable ]

Who: Lizzie and Luke
What: After school talk. Air needs to be cleared
When: Tuesday 25th after school
Rating: PG-15 for swearing

Uncomfortable silences become them )

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[27 May 2010|08:22pm]
Who: Alex and Open
When: Thursday after school
Where: The beach
What: Trying to beat the heat
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete
The wind coming off the ocean was always cooler. )
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[27 May 2010|08:38pm]
Who: Anna and Katie
When: Thursday, 3PM
What: Text
You have (1) Unread message. )
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[27 May 2010|08:40pm]
Alfie )

Lexie )

Robin )
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[ viewing | May 27th, 2010 ]
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