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[13 May 2010|12:42am]
Who: Emma and Lexie
When: Monday night
Where: their house
What: girl's night
Rated: probably lowish

I want to know everything that's happening with you. )
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[13 May 2010|01:01am]
Who: Katie and James
Where: James room
What: Katie has a favor to ask
When: Monday night
Rated: language?

James? )
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In the right comm this time w00t! [13 May 2010|12:25pm]
WHO : Jacen Allen and Lexie Tibbits.
WHAT : A meeting.
WHERE : Coffee shop.
WHEN : Afternoon.
STATUS : Thread/Incomplete.

To her, Jacen was barely even a speck on her radar. She was like this bright, glowing celestial object, and he was a dull and dead moon. )
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[13 May 2010|12:51pm]
Who: Jessica, Jamie, Emma, any other students who so desire to be present!
What: Jessica talks back!
Where: Class room
When: During English
Rating: PG-13 (language)

If Juliet had been patient, she could have found a perfectly acceptable boyfriend later in life instead of shanking herself. Come on. )
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[13 May 2010|01:55pm]
Who: Mao and James
What: The things we do for our siblings.
Where: AIM
When: Today!
Rating: PG

Vaginas can't save them. )
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[13 May 2010|05:46pm]
Who: Evan and David
What: Evan needs a break
When: Tuesday evening
Where: the Pub
Rated: language?

I'm going to kill myself )
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[13 May 2010|05:52pm]
Who: Evan and Max
What: text
When: Tuesday before Evan goes to the bar

You have (1) unread message )
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[13 May 2010|09:20pm]
Who: Emily & Jacen
What: Emily runs to the one place Evan would never go and officially meets Jacen
When: Monday evening
Where: Allen home
Rating: Low
Status: Complete

We, are not that different from each other. We, just want somebody to discover, who we really are when we drop our guard. )
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[13 May 2010|10:17pm]
Who: Max and Lizzie
What: Text
When: Thursday evening
Rating: Low

You Have (1) Unread Message )
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