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[04 May 2010|12:15am]
[ mood | mischievous ]

Who: Max and Casey
What: The much awaited dinner
When: Saturday evening/Sunday morning
Where: Max's apartment
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Sexy times beneath the cut, read if you want, don't if you don't!

Casey had been thinking about this dinner for quite a while. )

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[04 May 2010|12:11pm]
Who: Albert and Laura Jones
What: Text
When: Tuesday, May 4th
Rating: Low

+ + +

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[04 May 2010|05:31pm]
Who: Laura and Seth
When: Tuesday afternoon
Where: Fyreside Convenience, bakery
What: A big order, and the beginnings of Laura's seduction
Rating: R for sexual thoughts
What can I get for you? )
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[04 May 2010|06:02pm]
[ mood | amused ]

Who: Sam and Jamie
What: Text
When: During this
Rating: Low-ish

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[04 May 2010|06:25pm]
Who: Eleanor and Lizzie
What: Text
When: Tuesday afternoon (after school)
Rating: Low

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[04 May 2010|08:11pm]
Who: Anna and open
When: Tuesday afternoon, before the storms hit
Where: Just walking around
What: Wandering aimlessly
Rating: Low (likely)
Status: Open/Incomplete
Anna was singing again. )
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[04 May 2010|08:40pm]
Who: Alex and Josie
When: Tuesday during school
Where: The high school
What: Texting
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