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[20 Apr 2010|01:29pm]
[ mood | unimpressed ]

Who: Jane and Ethan
What: text
When: Tuesday afternoon
Rated: low (hopefully)

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[20 Apr 2010|07:54pm]
Who: Evan and Max
What: talkin 'bout feelings cause one is stoned and one is drunk
Where: bar to start (for Evan) and then Max's apartment
When: 4/20
Rated: R for language, I s'pose

Barkeep! I'll take another one )
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[20 Apr 2010|09:01pm]
Who: Alex and Josie
When: Tuesday night, 9PMish
Where: Dinner, shopping, and a walk on the beach.
What: Their first date
Rating: PG+
Status: Closed/Complete
Not a date. )
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[20 Apr 2010|09:36pm]
Who: Max and Aidan
What: Text
When: Tuesday evening
Rating: Low

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