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[17 Apr 2010|12:36am]
WHO Christine Delacroix and Alex Durden
WHAT Christine gets home after work. Alex is being angsty
WHEN Friday night, a little before midnight
WHERE Their home
WHY Because she eventually needs to interact with her son
RATING SFW, surely
STATUS Closed, threading

Truth be told, most of her days were long days. )
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[17 Apr 2010|12:51am]
[ mood | impatient ]

Who: Jamie and Sam
What: Chillaxing on the beach
When: Saturday afternoon
Where: The beach
Rated: R (language)

Nice weather, but sand gets everywhere. )

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[17 Apr 2010|01:28am]
[ mood | good ]

Who: Eleanor and Jamie
What: Discussing music
When: Thursday afternoon
Where: Nameless music store
Rated: PG
Status: Completed

Everything about music that Eleanor hated. )

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[17 Apr 2010|06:22pm]
WHO Christine Delacroix and Casey Martin
WHAT Christine decides to take a break on a lovely Saturday afternoon
WHEN Saturday, around 4pm
WHERE Local coffee shop
WHY Because she needs her caffeine fix regularly
RATING SFW, surely
STATUS Threading

It was a lovely day. )
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[17 Apr 2010|08:26pm]
Who: Mao and Luke
What: AIM convo
When: Today, just after this
Rating: R for cursing

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[17 Apr 2010|10:11pm]
Who: Tetsuo and Mao
When: Saturday night, while Tetsuo is flying home
Where: Logan Airport, Boston, and wherever Mao decides to be
What: Texting
Notes: Testuo forgot to change the language settings on his phone and his brain.
You have (1) unread message )
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