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[16 Apr 2010|10:59am]
Who: Calvin and Katie
What: Moar texting
When: Thursday night, 9:15 pm - ?
Note: I was too lazy to write all 17. Just pretend that they're all in the same vein.

(17) unread messages, (8) missed calls )
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[16 Apr 2010|10:54pm]
Who: Alex and Christine
When: Friday night
Where: Home and wherever Christine is
What: Text
You have (1) unread message )
17 comments|post comment

[16 Apr 2010|10:57pm]
Who: Laura and Jessica
When: Friday night after Laura gets out of work
Where: The bakery and wherever Jess is
What: Texting
You have (1) unread message )
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[ viewing | April 16th, 2010 ]
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