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[12 Apr 2010|10:27am]
Who: Laura and OPEN
When: Monday, around 3PM
Where: A diner
What: Hanging out
Rating: Probably low
Status: Open/Incomplete
Insert conversation starter here. )
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[12 Apr 2010|09:16pm]
Who: Everyone involved in the talent show
Where: the high school auditorium
When: tonight (Monday)
What: talent show narratives
Rated: try to keep it PG-13

The auditorium was packed )
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[12 Apr 2010|10:22pm]
Who: Natalie and Lukas
What: Text Message
When: Monday evening

Inbox (1) )
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[12 Apr 2010|11:22pm]
Who: Lizzie and Max
What: Text
When: Monday evening

( You Have (1) Unread Message ) )
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[ viewing | April 12th, 2010 ]
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