A Hero Or A Hooligan? - May 18th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Generation M

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May 18th, 2008

Slipping Away (narrative) [May. 18th, 2008|09:25 pm]
"... yep, the X-Men," he said into his headset, rocking back in his chair. "Or a decent facsimile there of. Closer than your dad ever got. Wait- no... 'helping' to found, not actually jumping in there. Sure, he played stunt Bucky for a time, I know how important that is, I'm just saying, for... a few hours, I was on the X-Men. That should count for something."

He looked out the window as summer was arriving and the day was rather nice out. "Yeah, I know. I'm watching it. It's not fun but hey. Sure. Thanks, Janis, maybe we can hook up for a bowling night or something. Yeah, laugh all you want but the bumpers make it better. More... athletic." He laughed. "Shut up! Tell your mom and dad I said Hi. Thanks. Later!"

He touched his headset off and sighed, looking up to see the window once more and ....
.... caught sight of an entirely wrong reflection. A great green face looked at him with accusing eyes, causing his breath to catch and David to jump out of his chair in fright. "Gaah!," he gasped, blinking in fear at the reflection that wasn't his... but was something deeper.

The monitor's beep went off, registering the jump in his heart rate, startling him twice. Clutching at his chest, he tried to calm down and only wound up grabbing at the little band about his arm. With a sharp yank, he pulled it from his bicep and tossed to the ground, falling back in his chair to put his head in his hands.

What was wrong with him?
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