GenderQueer's Journal
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Monday, January 26th, 2009

    Time Event
    Here's something for everyone to take a peek at. It's not about sex, or orientation. Just gender. More like, what gender means to you, personally. It's the Gender Aptitude Test, originally written by Kate Bornstein in My Gender Workbook (which I don't actually have, to my dismay.) Kate did give permission for it to be reproduced on one site, but almost all of that site's content is down, including the test. I found it again on another site, but I am not sure how long it will stay up there, so I am copying the text here.

    Kate Bornstein's Gender Aptitude Test )

    (Edit: Sorry. Apperently IJ decided that when I said something should be made bold, that what I *really* wanted was to create another cut.)

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