GenderQueer's Journal
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Thursday, April 17th, 2008

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    Androgynous traits are those that either have no gender value, or have some aspects generally attributed to the opposite gender. Physiological androgyny (compare intersex), which deals with physical traits, is distinct from behavioral androgyny which deals with personal and social anomalies in gender, and from psychological androgyny, which is a matter of gender identity. A psychologically androgynous person is commonly known as an androgyne, although there is a politicized version known as genderqueer. link

    Some people use "genderqueer" as a politicized version of the term androgyne, which describes persons who have the gender identity of both a man and a woman or neither. This understanding of the term coincides with the term "multi-gendered", which is used more frequently as a term of distinction rather than a phrase for self-identification by individuals. link

    Personally, I've always thought of "androgyne" as a physical thing, a way to describe how someone looks, like masculine or feminine, and "genderqueer" as an identity, to describe how someone is, like male or female. Am I the only one?

    It bothers me that in the genderqueer article, it mentions that some people use it as a political thing, yet in the androgyne article it implies that genderqueer is *just* a political thing. I'm aware that it's a wiki and I can go and change that... but it's the fact that that i've seen that idea over and over. that genderqueer isn't a valid gender, but androgyne is, or that "real" between-gender people are andrognyes and genderqueers are attention-whores.

    So, what I'd like to know is how ya'll define genderqueer and androgyne. What do you think about how those two pages describe the terms? Why do you consider yourself genderqueer instead of androgyne? Or do you consider yourself both?

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