GenderQueer's Journal
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Tuesday, March 25th, 2008

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    so i found a job ad for a mom and pop pizza place. they were looking for a server or a prep person. so i went and applied, talked to one of the owners.

    they won't hire me. because i'm a girl.

    that's what they straight up told me. they filled the server position, and they're not comfortable hiring a girl to be the prep person, because the prep person is the one who's supposed to unload the dough shipments.

    So I tell my friends about this, hoping for some sympathy. the other ftm i know who i thought would understand... his first thought is a feminist rip-their-head off. I understand that reaction, and i'm all for equal rights and everything, but I don't care that they'd prefer a dude to do heavy lifting. dudes are better suited to that, even i cant argue. chicks get better tips as waitresses. that's just how it is.

    my problem is, i am a dude. i just had all my dudeness stripped from me.

    Even if i bitched about it, what's that gonna do? they're a little mom and pop! it'll get me no closer to a job, and their reasons for wanting a dude aren't bad. it's not like they wouldn't have hired me for the server position if they didn't just find a guy for it the day before.

    it's just ya know. if i could chop off my boobs, i'd have a job. it's not that girls can't do it or i think they shouldn't, its ya know... if i could bind and breathe at the same time, i could have convinced them to give me a shot, and then they could find out i'm technically female later, and suck my invisidick over it.

    x-posted: genderqueer, genderswitch, transgender

    Current Mood: emasculated

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