The Story So Far - May 22nd, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
The Story So Far

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May 22nd, 2008

Thread: Terry Ellsworth and Rosie May Kincaid and OPEN [May. 22nd, 2008|04:19 pm]
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Who; Terry and Rosie and OPEN
When; May 22nd, afternoon
Where; Whatever bathroom Rosie dragged him into
What; Rosie thinks Terry is a dirty boy -- literally. So she jumps him with her TK and forces him to take a bath. Terry's stuck unless someone has the balls to brave Rosie's shampoo-covered wrath.

he kind of smelled )
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LOG: the McCoy Boys (+ Dad Cameo) [May. 22nd, 2008|07:47 pm]


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WHO: Phil and Pete McCoy (brief cameo by Papa Bear)
WHERE: the deepest darkest labs and the brightest day at the Central Park Zoo
WHEN: Wednesday afternoon, the 21st
WHAT: Pete's awake.

What if these otters just jumped up and started insulting us? )
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